Red bananas are shorter, plumper and heartier than the average banana. It should only be eaten when ripe as an immature Red banana tastes like a dry and chalky starch. When ripe, it will have a thick, brick red peel and ivory-hued semi-soft flesh. Its flavor is sweet and creamy with raspberry highlights. Red bananas have several names, depending on its growing region, including the Red Spanish, Red Cuban, Colorado or Lal kela. Its official botanical name is Red Dacca. It is a vigorous, highly resistant grower, producing bunches with up to one hundred fruits. Red bananas are the most sought-after "alternative" banana variety to common yellow bananas within industrialized countries in the world.
The Red banana has more beta-carotene and Vitamin C than yellow banana varieties. All bananas contain three natural sources of sugar: sucrose, fructose, and glucose, making them a source of instant and sustainable energy.
Bananas. Banana is the world's favorite fruit, and the banana plant is not a tree. It is the world's biggest herb. Bananas contain three natural sugars: sucrose, fructose, and glucose. A banana gives an instant and sustainable boost of energy. They are a good source of potassium, fiber, 110 calories each, approximately 6 vitamins, and 11 minerals. Bananas have many health benefits. A banana is the fruit of plants of the genus Musa in the family Musaceae. They are long and thin and come in a variety of sizes and colors. The fruit is soft and is usually peeled and eaten raw. It is a rich source of potassium. Some varieties, usually referred to as plantains are not sweet: they are used in cooking and are the staple starch of some tropical populations.